TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
Cutting-edge TMS treatments are changing how we handle treatment-resistant depression. Let us help you feel better.
What is TMS?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive outpatient treatment that directs recurring magnetic energy pulses at specific areas of the brain involved in mood regulation. The painless magnetic pulses pass right through the skull and stimulate the associated neurons. These are safe and similar to the magnetic pulses in an MRI machine.
While the mechanisms by which TMS improves mental health are a matter of some continuing debate, its effectiveness is not, as it has shown major reductions in symptoms across a large number of randomized controlled trials. TMS now has FDA approval for a number of mental health disorders, most notably treatment-resistant depression. For individuals who are still depressed after several medication trials it has been found to be 3 times more effective than another medication. Plaza Psychology & Psychiatry is only offering TMS for treatment-resistant depression at this time.
What’s it Like?
After meeting for an hour with a qualified psychiatrist to make sure the treatment is right for you and calibrated properly, you’ll sit in the TMS chair for under 20 minutes. A magnetic coil will be gently positioned against your head for that time and it’ll send directed magnetic pulses to a specific area of your brain. You’ll be awake for the entire treatment and there are no side effects related to memory or alertness. Typically the only negative effects might be brief scalp irritation or mild headaches.
These sessions do need to be repeated daily, typically 36 sessions during weekdays spread over a couple of months.
Who Shouldn’t Get TMS?
TMS is for treatment-resistant depression, and so those who have not tried therapy and several courses of medication may not be eligible. In addition, some co-occurring mental health disorders are contraindicated, such as psychosis, and certain medical conditions may preclude the treatment. These are chiefly epilepsy and the presence of metal, like a stent for instance, within 30 centimeters of the brain. Dental fillings don’t count.
Contact us and our front desk can help you decide what’s best for your needs.
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